Integrity Line

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Why report a concern

Umicore strives to be a reliable organization now and in the future and expects all its employees, representatives and supervisory or management board members to maintain high standards in accordance with its Code of Conduct and the Umicore Way.

Nevertheless, all organizations face the risk of things going wrong from time to time or of unknowingly harboring illegal or unethical conduct. A culture of openness and accountability is essential in order to prevent such situations to occur and to address them when they occur.

Report an incident

You are invited to report concerns or complaints about Umicore's business approach using our grievance contact form. This contact form is intended for the reporting of concerns with regard to possible irregularities in financial, ethical or behavioral matters that infringe our code of conduct.

All complaints can be made anonymously, and will be handled confidentially. The reports will be disclosed internally only to employees on need-to-know basis.

This specific channel is operated in a secure manner that ensures that the confidentiality of the identity of the reporting person and any third party mentioned in the report is protected, and prevents access thereto by non-authorized staff members. 

Call us

If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call us and we will be happy to assist you. 

+32 (0)2 227 71 11

Ask a question

If you have an ethics or compliance question or an inquiry regarding a company policy, you can ask anonymously and confidentially within the contact form below.

Have a question about compliance? An incident to report?
Contact us

Frequently asked questions

What should I report?

Anything that one may have reasonable grounds to suspect, in relation to Umicore, to constitute misconduct wrongdoings, including breaches of legal and regulatory provisions. Some examples are:

  • Product safety and compliance
  • Protection of the environment and public health
  • Protection of privacy and personal data
  • Financial services, products and markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Unfair treatments, discrimination, harassment, infringements of the Code of Conduct
  • Child or forced labor issues
  • Corruption and bribery
  • Anti-competitive practices
  • Information security concerns
  • Issues related to mineral extraction, trade, handling and export in a conflict-affected and high-risk area. 

Who can make a notification?

Anyone can contact us to report an incident. We value all feedback in order to continuously improve Umicore's transparency.

Why should I report an incident?

Robust whistleblowing system allows for transparency in our company. It develops effective, accountable and transparent functioning, promotes the rule of law and incorporates Umicore’s values.

What happens to my report once submitted?

The reporting person receives an automatic acknowledgment of the receipt of the notification if an email address has been provided in the contact form.

After receipt of the notification, a diligent follow-up is executed by the designated department. A reasonable timeframe is foreseen to provide feedback, not exceeding three months from the acknowledgment of receipt. The deadline for the feedback is reduced to two months in the case of a notification regarding internal security services in Belgium.

Do you have a non-retaliation policy?

Umicore has zero tolerance for acts of retaliation. 

All forms of retaliation will be prohibited, including threats or acts of retaliation. This covers, among others, suspension, lay-off or dismissal, demotion, transfer of duties, negative performance assessment or disciplinary measures.

What about confidentiality?

The specific channel “report an incident” is operated in a secure manner that ensures that the confidentiality of the identity of the reporting person and any third party mentioned in the report is protected, and prevents access thereto by non-authorized staff members. 

Moreover, all complaints can be made anonymously, and will be handled confidentially. The reports will be disclosed internally only to employees on need-to-know basis.

What support is given to the victim?

At Umicore, we ensure full protection for victims. All forms of retaliation are strictly prohibited.
If necessary, victims will receive legal protection.

When will I receive a reply?

A reasonable timeframe is foreseen to provide feedback, not exceeding three months from the acknowledgment of receipt. The deadline for the feedback is reduced to two months in the case of a notification regarding internal security services in Belgium.

Can I report an incident to an external body?

Yes, whistleblowers are free to report internally and/or externally. However, reporting externally is to be understood as reporting to public authorities (official bodies designated by the countries, such as the police).

Want to report an incident or ask questions? We are here for you.

Contact us