Consensus & analyst coverage

The company has contracted Vara Research to collect the consensus analysis, based on the estimates of all the participating financial analysts. The consensus can be found by clicking on the link below. Any opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions regarding Umicore’s performance made by financial analysts (and therefore also the consensus estimate numbers) are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions, estimates, projections or predictions of Umicore or its management.

Such estimates and consensus are not controlled, changed, censored or endorsed by Umicore, which assumes no liability for the selection, quality, accuracy, up-to-dateness or completeness of these estimates.

Umicore undertakes no obligation to update, revise or amend such estimates and consensus data, even if and when they differ from Umicore’s own forecasts, estimates, projections, predictions or expectations. Umicore is neither involved in the collection of the data, nor in the preparation of the consensus, which is done independently by Vara Research.

View consensus

Analyst coverage

Broker Analyst Current Recommendation Date


Martijn den Drijver Underperform 14/02/2025
Bank of America - Merrill Lynch Matthew Yates Underperform 05/02/2025
Barclays Alex Stewart Equal-weight 16/02/2024
Berenberg Sebastian Bray Hold  11/12/2024
Citigroup Ranulf Orr Neutral 14/02/2025
Degroof Petercam Frank Claassen Hold  14/02/2025
Deutsche Bank Tristan Lamotte Hold 14/02/2025
Equita SIM Massimo Bonisoli Hold


Exane BNP Paribas - Neutral 14/02/2025
Goldman Sachs Georgina Fraser Sell 14/02/2025
HSBC Martin Evans Hold


ING Stijn Demeester Hold 14/02/2025
Jefferies Charles Bentley Hold 14/02/2025
JP Morgan Chetan Udeshi Overweight 14/02/2025
KBC Wim Hoste Accumulate 14/02/2025
Kepler Cheuvreux Matthias Maenhaut  Hold 31/01/2025
Redburn Atlantic Mazahir Mammadli Neutral


UBS Geoff Haire Sell 14/02/2025

Umicore is covered by various financial analysts, who provide their own research analyses and earnings estimates in respect of the company, independently from Umicore. 

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