Thanks to the flexible working hours, as a working mother I can ensure a good balance between my work and my family.
Can you describe your role/position at Umicore?
As a laboratory technician, I carry out all kinds of analyses on different samples and raw materials. Specific samples come from the environment where we measure air quality and water drainage. I also analyze the impurities and compositions of various raw materials used in manufacturing. Organic materials are decomposed into various components to see where there may be hazardous substances and what protective gear colleagues need to wear when working with them. And then we need the physical parameters for catalysts and other waste substances from companies that are used as fuel.
What do you like about your job?
My job is very varied and I am responsible for ensuring that the measurements go smoothly. After all, the subsequent processing of the products is based on them.
What do you like about working at Umicore?
I can cycle to work, which is healthy and free of stress and congestion. Thanks to the flexible working hours, as a working mother I can ensure a good balance between my work and my family.
Why did you want to work at Umicore?
I see Umicore as a big company with opportunities for promotion and the chance of a good career.
What do you look forward to when you set off to work in the morning?
I plan my working day myself, which means I experience little if any stress. So every morning I look forward to an enjoyable working day with lots of variety.
What has been the highlight of your time at Umicore so far?
The involvement in the purchase of new devices and the training courses that went with them are definitely among the highlights.
Any advice for newcomers?
Umicore takes good care of its employees; find out about all the benefits that you are offered, such as a lease bike or hospitalization insurance.