Umicore obtained the ISO 27001 Information Security Management Standard Certification
We are proud to announce that on April, 25 2022 Umicore was officially granted the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. ISO 27001 is one of the most widely recognized, internationally accepted independent information security standards.
Umicore has earned ISO 27001 certification for the IT services that support its critical business processes.
As a consequence of the evolving cyber threat landscape that goes hand in hand with the expanding digital footprint, Umicore’s production plants are highly dependent on the availability of IT services. Disruption of the supply chains or interruption of our production facilities due to cyber-attacks could have a major impact on Umicore’s customers and financial results. Not to speak of compromises to the confidentiality of intellectual property as a result of a data breach.
Therefore, Umicore considers cybersecurity as a key risk priority and continually assesses and improves its information security by operating an Information Security Management System (ISMS) and implementing a Cybersecurity Roadmap.
Thanks to this ISO 27001 certification, customers and business partners can rely on an independent verification that Umicore’s ISMS is in accordance with industry-respected best practices and that security controls are in place and operating effectively.
Our compliance with the ISO standard was certified by the British Standards Institution (BSI).