Umicore's Modern Slavery Statement for 2023 outlines our efforts to prevent modern slavery and uphold human rights across our global operations and supply chains. The statement outlines Umicore's commitment to responsible sourcing, due diligence, and risk management.
Umicore's policies adhere to national legislation as well as international standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct.
In 2023, Umicore continued the roll-out of its updated Global Sustainable Sourcing policy and Sustainable Procurement Frameworks for key materials, including cobalt, nickel and lithium. Through rigorous due diligence processes, we gained third-party assurances for our cobalt supply chains and achieved certifications for multiple sites.
We continue to emphasize employee training through our ESG Academy and strive for transparency and accountability.