
Data per share

Key figures per shareH1H2H1
(in € / share)202320232024
Total number of issued shares, end of period246.400.000246.400.000246.400.000
of which shares outstanding240.399.667240.400.917240.480.967
of which treasury shares6.000.3335.999.0835.919.033
Average number of shares outstanding
Adjusted EPS0,970,890,49
Basic EPS0,930,67-6,12
Diluted EPS0,930,67-6,12
Dividend payout*0,550,250,55
Net cash flow before financing, basic-0,641,030,02
Total assets, end of period41,0141,4534,21
Group shareholders' equity, end of period14,9515,238,52
* The Supervisory Board proposed a gross annual dividend for the financial year 2023 of € 0.80 per share at the Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2024. Taking into account the interim dividend of € 0.25 per share paid out on 22 August 2023, a gross amount of € 0.55 per share was paid out on 2 May 2024 after shareholder approval.