Based on proprietary and customizable coating technology, Umicore’s catalyzed diesel particulate filters (cDPF) are the ideal emission control device for your emergency, standby and backup power generator sets, as well as all types of propulsion diesel engines. 

Our filters provide a highly efficient reduction of soot and gaseous compounds with low pressure drop and volume. Their durability and reliability have been proven in more than 1,000 installations worldwide. The cDPF can be supplied as a stand-alone solution or in combination with Umicore’s state-of-the-art selective catalytic reducetion (SCR) catalyst as a complete exhaust gas after-treatment package.

Our filters provide highly efficient soot and particulate filtration, along with a proprietary platinum and palladium coating for simultaneous CO, VOC and PAH oxidation. They offer low pressure drop, superb passive soot regeneration at low temperatures, high thermal resistance up to 800 °C, and increased efficiency for SCR systems when installed downstream.

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