All agenda items approved at the shareholders' meetings

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On Thursday 28 April 2022, Umicore held its ordinary, special and extraordinary shareholders’ meetings in the “Marquis Building” in Brussels, Belgium. The meetings were also live webcasted. 

The shareholders approved all agenda items. In particular, the ordinary shareholders’ meeting approved the new remuneration policy as well as the appointment of Alison Henwood as a new, independent Supervisory Board member for a term of 3 years.

The ordinary shareholders’ meeting also approved the payment of a gross annual dividend of € 0.80 per share. Taking into account the gross interim dividend of € 0.25 per share paid out on 24 August 2021, a gross amount of € 0.55 per share (ISIN BE0974320526) will be paid out on 4 May 2022.

Details of the resolutions and replay of the webcast

Investor Relations

Eva Behaeghe
Senior Investor Relations Manager
+32 2 227 70 68

Media Relations

Marjolein Scheers
Director External Relations
+32 2 227 71 47
Caroline Jacobs
Media Relations Manager
+32 2 227 7129