Changes in Umicore’s Executive Committee

Press release
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Umicore announced today that Pascal Reymondet, Executive Vice President Catalysis, will retire as planned on 31 January 2019.

Pascal joined Degussa in 1989 and Umicore’s Executive Committee in 2003 upon the acquisition of PMG. He took over responsibility for the Catalysis business group in 2012. Under his leadership, the Automotive Catalysts business unit has expanded considerably and strengthened its technology offering in several application segments. This activity is now very well positioned to benefit from significant further growth as new, more stringent emission standards are being phased in around the globe. At the same time, Pascal has guided the strategic development of Precious Metals Chemistry and prepared the business unit for significant growth in applications such as fuel cells and organometallics.

Pascal will be replaced as Executive Vice President Catalysis by Ralph Kiessling.

Ralph is 53, a German national and currently Senior Vice President Operations for Automotive Catalysts. He joined Degussa in 1995 and has occupied successive management functions in production, process technology and engineering, including 5 years in China. In 2012 he moved to India where he built Umicore’s automotive catalyst plant and ran the activity in the region before returning to Germany in 2015 as Vice President of Operations. Ralph has, over the years, developed a unique operational experience internationally. He has a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Erlangen, Germany.

Commenting on the changes, Umicore CEO Marc Grynberg said: “While I will miss Pascal’s sharp insights and vast operational experience, I would like to thank him for his remarkable engagement and contribution to the success of Umicore and wish him every happiness in his retirement. At the same time, I look forward to welcoming Ralph to the Executive Committee which will benefit from his operational insights and technology background.”

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