Partnering with UNICEF for a better education

On 24th January we celebrate International Day of Education, and Umicore is proud to announce the extension of our long-term partnership with UNICEF. A qualitative and inclusive education for all is one of UNICEF’s main objectives, and we have been supporting their initiatives for ten years now, with a well-defined educational component that links to sustainable development.  

Previously, we supported two specific child-education projects in India and Madagascar. Our partnership translated into very concrete actions such as the construction of four school classrooms per year in Madagascar, benefitting more than thousand boys and girls, and the development of an action plan to empower young girls in India and to end child marriage. Today, our collaboration focuses on the empowerment  of disadvantaged communities through the UPSHIFT program.  

Helping young people reach their full potential

UPSHIFT seeks to engage girls, young people with disabilities, young refugees and ethnic minority communities in 22 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. It empowers them to identify community challenges and create entrepreneurial solutions. Such solutions range from climate adaptations to water and sanitation solutions. Ultimately, UPSHIFT aims at helping all participants reach their full potential.  

This partnership with UNICEF supports our ambition as a responsible company to contribute to the communities’ well-being where we operate and to prioritize educational initiatives.  

Find more information on the UNICEF UPSHIFT program.