Through the Umicore Climate Action Program created in 2019, we invite our employees to submit innovative ideas to reduce our ecological footprint in all areas, from quick wins in the office to global responsible business travel. Employees have answered the call for ideas with great enthusiasm. In Germany, for example, over 50 ideas were submitted and 31 currently implemented. In China, over 100 ideas were submitted of which 84 have been slated for action.
On Group level, one of our most significant initiatives was redefining our travel policy with a substantial reduction in air travel and a change in our car leasing policy.
The crisis of the global COVID-19-pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions drastically reduced air travel for everyone around the globe and accelerated the adoption of new ways of working. At Umicore in Houston, USA, in cases where travel was permitted and absolutely necessary, one of the local Climate Action initiatives was to offset total flight miles each quarter by funding tree planting through reputable organizations.
In terms of our car leasing policy, as of 2020 Umicore only offers electrified vehicles in our Belgian company car fleet, the largest in the Group, and other countries’ company fleets will soon follow. The transition to electric cars will depend on charging points, and Umicore has chosen to build extensive charging facilities at our Belgian sites. Powered by solar panels, Brussels, Hoboken and Bruges, our three Belgian locations, will produce 1.491 MWh per year.
In our sites in Asia, many employee-driven initiatives are emerging. In Jiangmen, China, initiatives range from installing sound sensor lamps, charging stations for electric cars and LED lights in the production area to water reuse projects.
In Hanau, Germany, we focus on using green roofs to improve the indoor environment of buildings. Other projects include improved waste disposal and paper recycling.
Umicore is committed to providing clean mobility materials and recycling services. Our employees are committed to sustainability and daily actions to reduce their ecological footprint at home and at work. Together we can contribute to protect our planet every single day.