On Thursday April 25th 2024, Umicore held its ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings in its registered office in Brussels, Belgium. The meetings were also live webcasted.
The shareholders approved all items on the agenda.
In particular, the shareholders appointed Frédéric Oudéa and Philip Eykerman1 as new Supervisory Board members for a term of 3 years. Mr. Oudéa also joins Umicore's Nomination & Remuneration Committee and its Sustainability Committee.
In addition, the ordinary shareholders’ meeting also approved the payment of a gross annual dividend of € 0.80 per share. Taking into account the gross interim dividend of € 0.25 per share paid out on August 22nd 2023, a gross amount of € 0.55 per share (ISIN BE0974320526) will be paid out on May 2nd 2024.
1 With effect from 1 November 2024.