On Thursday April 27th 2023, Umicore held its ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings in its registered office in Brussels, Belgium. The meetings were also live webcasted.Â
The shareholders approved all items on the agenda.Â
In particular, the ordinary shareholders’ meeting approved the remuneration report, based on the new remuneration policy introduced in 2022. This policy focuses on increased transparency, a fair and responsible remuneration and reward structure, combining financial and sustainability performance measures in line with Umicore’s ambitions and international remuneration trends.Â
The shareholders also appointed Marc Grynberg as a new Supervisory Board member for a term of 3 years.Â
In addition, the ordinary shareholders’ meeting also approved the payment of a gross annual dividend of € 0.80 per share. Taking into account the gross interim dividend of € 0.25 per share paid out on August 23rd 2022, a gross amount of € 0.55 per share (ISIN BE0974320526) will be paid out on May 4th 2023.
Board Committees
The Supervisory Board established two new committees effective as of the date of the Annual General Meeting: the Investment Committee and the Sustainability Committee. The committees will assist the Supervisory Board in its oversight of the Group’s capital expenditure that supports the growth linked to the 2030 RISE Strategy on the one hand, and in delivering in line with the Let’s Go for Zero ambitions, on the other.
Birgit Behrendt will chair the Sustainability Committee, whose members will be Françoise Chombar, Alison Henwood and Mario Armero. The Investment Committee will be composed of Birgit Behrendt, Marc Grynberg and Laurent Raets, under the Chairmanship of Thomas Leysen.Â
Alison Henwood will replace Ines Kolmsee as Chair of the Audit Committee. She joined Umicore as independent Supervisory Board member and member of the Audit Committee in September 2022.