Ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings

Shareholder meetings
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Event details
- (GMT+2)

Umicore invited its shareholders to participate in the ordinary and special shareholders’ meetings which were held on Thursday 29 April 2021 at 17:00 CET at the registered office of Umicore, Broekstraat 31 rue du Marais, Brussels.

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Umicore’s priority remains keeping its shareholders, employees and other stakeholders safe. To that end and taking into account sanitary measures taken by the authorities restricting group gatherings, the shareholders’ meetings were held remotely without possibility to physically attend. The meetings were, however, broadcasted by means of a live webcast, accessible to all shareholders via the Lumi AGM+ platform. Shareholders were able to exercise their voting rights through digital voting during the live webcast, by correspondence or via proxy voting. 


The Minutes of the shareholders’ meetings are only available in Dutch and French and can be found on the corresponding Dutch and French webpage (accessible via the language buttons at the top of this page). 

Investor Relations

Eva Behaeghe
Senior Investor Relations Manager
+32 2 227 70 68