Light-duty gasoline, hybrid electric, and alternative fuels

As the world continues to rely on gasoline engines for passenger cars and light-duty vehicles (LDV), the need for emission reduction solutions is more pressing than ever. Hybrid electric vehicles, which combine internal combustion engines (ICE) with battery power, will contribute to meeting carbon emission related regulations. 

Umicore’s unparalleled expertise in developing catalyst technologies is leading the way in converting and reducing harmful pollutants like hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia (NH3), and Particulate Matter (PM). The thermal durability and rapid response time of Umicore’s catalytic converters technologies set the global standard for emission control technologies.

Umicore’s advanced technology portfolio addresses the needs of gasoline, hybrid electric, and alternative fuel vehicles, offering a range of catalyst technology solutions that convert and reduce harmful pollutants:

  • Three-way catalysts (TWC) effectively convert hydrocarbons, NOx, and carbon monoxide (CO).
  • Catalyzed gasoline particulate filters (cGPF) reduce particulate matter while converting HC, NOx, and CO.
  • Hydrocarbon traps specifically reduce this type of emission.
  • Electrically Heated Catalysts (EHC) are TWCs coated on electrically heated substrates.
  • Secondary Emission Catalysts (SET) target the reduction of NH3 and nitrous oxide (N2O).
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Discover our emission reduction solutions for passenger cars and light-duty vehicles