Your transformation partner for clean mobility. From gasoline and diesel to natural gas and alternative fuels, our catalysts perform in a wide range of current and future powertrains. They are increasingly important in hybrid and range-extender vehicles.

Umicore develops and manufactures a broad range of products including three-way catalysts (TWC), catalyzed gasoline particulate filters (cGPF) for gasoline engines, motorcycles, and small engine applications.

For diesel vehicles, we manufacture diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC), catalyzed diesel particulate filters (cDPF), NOx (Nitrogen oxides) storage and SCR (selective catalytic reduction) catalysts. In addition, we make catalysts for heavy-duty diesel (HDD) vehicles such as buses, trucks, locomotives, and off-road.

We also provide high-quality precious metal precursors for off-gas treatment catalysts, combining decades of expertise, trusted partnerships, and world-class production capabilities to support cleaner automotive emissions.

With over 50 years of expertise in catalyst technology development and manufacturing, we work hand-in-hand with our customers to develop tailor-made solutions and help them meet the most stringent emission standards. We offer closed-loop solutions for all components, supported by a global supply footprint that keeps us close to our customers. Umicore is also the only player recycling all these materials and components when they reach the end of the lifecycle. 

Umicore provides solutions to meet ever-increasingly strict emission standards. Our catalysts will help manufacturers meet the clean mobility demands of today and tomorrow. 

Excellence in recycling to create materials for a better life

Our recycling solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are Umicore Automotive Catalyst technical centers and production facilities based? 

Umicore Automotive Catalysts operates 16 plants in 13 countries. Alongside production facilities, Umicore also operates nine research and technology facilities in seven countries. You can find more about our locations here.

What corrugated technologies for heavy duty applications does Umicore provide? 

Umicore’s corrugated SCR (selective catalytic reduction) catalysts use glass fiber as a substrate. High porosity and low thermal mass for faster catalyst light-off and lower weight for improved fuel economy benefits heavy-duty diesel applications. 

What clean mobility technology offerings does Umicore provide that meet current and future emissions standards?

Umicore automotive catalysts are vital in the clean mobility technology offerings to meet the current and future emission standards. You can find more information about our technologies on this dedicated page.

How do we find more information about becoming a transformation partner with Automotive Catalysts?

To become a transformation partner with Umicore Automotive Catalysts, we encourage you to contact our regional colleagues. On the locations page, you can find all the contact information of each plant or research facility active in automotive catalysts.

Does Umicore provide customized solutions for my specific emission requirements related to automotive catalysts?

Yes, Umicore will listen to your needs and work with you to provide the emission solutions that you need to meet the most stringent emission standards. Contact us here for more information.

Can you tell me about Umicore’s FlexMetal catalysts?

Of course, we want to talk to you more about how our technology balances cost, performance, and optimum utilization of Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh). Learn more here.

What does Umicore consider when developing advanced catalytic aftertreatment systems?

Emission feasibility, fuel consumption, performance, reliability and robustness, layout and installation impacts, variable costs, total cost of ownership, investments, and synergies with other solutions within the same or different engine families are all considered.

We want to know more about recycling automotive catalysts, who do we contact?

You can learn more about recycling spent automotive catalysts from our colleagues working in Precious Metals Refining.