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Umicore NV-SA – VAT number: BE0401574852

Hoboken - English

Hoboken - Nederlands

Hoboken - Francais

Hoboken - Deutsch


Olen - English

Olen - Nederlands

Olen - Francais

Olen - Deutsch


Brussel - English

Brussel - Nederlands

Brussel - Francais

Brussel - Deutsch


Umicore Denmark ApS - VAT number: DK38892304


Umicore Battery Materials Finland - VAT number: FI33674431

Umicore Finland OY - VAT number: FI25331869

The Netherlands

Exploitatie Maatschappij De Bek B.V. – VAT number: NL003137156B01

Umicore Zinkwit B.V. – VAT number: NL001688820B01


Umicore Autocat Poland Sp. z o.o – VAT number: PL1070028949

Umicore Services Poland Sp. z.o.o. - VAT number: PL8992958198

South Africa

Umicore Catalyst South Africa (Pty) Ltd